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St Mary's National School, Fairview, Dublin


Welcome to the website of St. Mary’s National School, Fairview, Dublin 3. We are a Catholic school under the patronage of the Archbishop of Dublin. We cater for boys and girls from Junior Infants to 1st Class and girls from 2nd Class to 6th Class. We currently have one autism class. 

St. Mary’s strives to provide a child friendly, secure environment catering for all the needs of all students as far as is practicable and where respect is fostered as part of a community which also embraces diversity and difference.

During the year we embrace various initiatives such as Zoom Ahead With Books, Time to Read, Time to Count, coding and Modern Irish sign language classes. We have a junior and senior yard and a fabulous field where our children love to play throughout the year. We also work alongside coaches from St. Vincents GAA, Shelbourne FC , Yoga teachers from the NEIC and Elaine McDonald from Saor Dance and Fitness for various initiatives that our children love to take part in. Each child from 3rd Class to 6th Class get the chance to receive swimming lessons in Westwood. 

Our Vision

In St. Mary’s, we aspire to provide a centre of educational excellence where, together with parents and the community, we provide a happy, safe and inclusive environment in which all pupils reach their full potential.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to enable the pupils in our care to achieve their maximum potential throughout the various stages in their growth and development. We aspire to equip them with the skills necessary to live a full life in a rapidly changing and increasingly complex world.


Latest News

17th Mar 2025
Bhí Seachtain na Gaeilge íontach againn! Our class took part in paired...
14th Mar 2025
Seachtain álainn! We had great fun Irish dancing, participating in the taraíocht...
13th Mar 2025
We celebrated World Book Day on Thursday 6th March!

Latest Photographs


Upcoming Events...

Thursday, 27th March 2025
3rd/4th /5th Class Swimming in Westwood