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St Mary's National School, Fairview, Dublin


2023/2024 School Year

18th Apr 2024
We went to a bake sale today in St. Joseph’s B.N.S. in support of autism awareness...
18th Apr 2024
Next Tuesday the 23rd of April, Zeeko Education are hosting a Parents Internet Safety...
17th Apr 2024
There is great excitement this week in Room 7, our caterpillars have arrived! We...
17th Apr 2024
6th class have completed a 10 week Life Skills programme with Lauren.  This...
16th Apr 2024
Ms. Keane did planting with us today. We all had lots of fun and can’t wait...
16th Apr 2024
St. Mary's Summer Fair will take place on Saturday, May the 11th between 12 o'clock...
16th Apr 2024
We have been busy minding the onions and potatoes inside our class but we thought...
15th Apr 2024
Children have been learning all about spring in room 9. They have learnt how to identify...
15th Apr 2024
Bhí Seachtain na Gaeilge ar siúl i Mí an Mhárta agus...
15th Apr 2024
We’ve been learning about the importance of dandelions as some of the earliest...