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St Mary's National School, Fairview, Dublin


2023/2024 School Year

13th Apr 2024
The Trocáire Box Appeal has now ended. A huge thank you to all the students...
12th Apr 2024
We are so lucky in Room 4 to have our student teacher Ms. Keane with us for the next...
11th Apr 2024
We had great fun this week learning all about spring. We especially loved playing...
11th Apr 2024
The children in Room 2 had great fun finishing off their artwork outside in the nice...
11th Apr 2024
We had great fun during Seachtain na Gaeilge. We learnt some Irish dances with Ms....
26th Mar 2024
Congratulations to our Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine ,Handwriters of the Month...
25th Mar 2024
Here are some pictures from our Seachtain na Gaeilge. We had great fun engaging with...
22nd Mar 2024
The Easter Bunny came early today to St Mary’s. He wrote us a lovely letter...